History of Onurube Nwanne Agbaloso, USA.

We are Onurube Nwanne in USA, a non-profit organization(501c3) as the law of the land demands and we are divinely made to be change agents in our society.

Onurube Nwanne in USA started January 17th, 2018, as an adhoc group to support one of our brothers in his immigration battle.

Having successfully pulled together brethren to support the cause, the then Administrators decided to continue the good cause to supporting any dedicated, loyal, and committed member to friendship, who may suffer events that will create financial burden to the family.

Therefore, to ensure that all activities are streamlined towards the name and also ensure fairness and equity, guidelines were created to guide our activities.

These guidelines has over the years been amended twice to align with current trends and meet the exponential growth of the organization.

Then on April 23rd, 2018, Onurube Nwanne in USA had its inaugural rally to support the family that lost two brothers tragically. This rally ran concurrently with Onurube Nwanne in Nigeria our mother organization.

The roadmap to the current membership strength was never a roller coaster and easy ride for the team of administrators. So many challenges were faced to maintain and retain the establis.ed integrity of the group.

A lot were put in by the Admin team to mold the group into what we have today. The Admin team and the entire membership could not have achieved this without the guidance of our almighty GOD.

As at today and within the last three years, we grew from a handful of members, to over 350 members group. This growth created some structural concerns the admin team had to swing into action to address as follows:

These milestones are only possible because of the good work of all members and administrators, and we giv all glory to GOD.

As at today, we are on rally #30 as follows:

Now you can understand the exponential growth that requires continuous realignment. However, Congratulations to all the great brothers and sisters of Onurube Nwanne Agbaloso in USA.

We have all seen some of the major highlights of our rallies in a recent publication, therefore I will not highlight them in this speech.

However, in recent live administrators meeting and follow-up meetings, these are some planned changes going forward:

I have a lot to say, but time will not permit me, because we have other important activities for today. Therefore, I will end my speech by thanking every member who took out time to login into this gathering. This shows great commitment on your path, towards the growth of Onurube Nwanne in USA.

I thank the Admin team who have shown tenacious commitment in driving the necessary ingredients that have added great value to Onurube Nwanne in USA.